
Adolescent Vaccination

Roll up your sleeve, Get vaccinated!

Adolescent Vaccination

WHO defines adolescence age between 10 to 19 years. In India, there are 243 million adolescents who constitute 21 per cent of the total population and the population cohort from 10 – 24 years constitutes nearly 30 % of total population. The adolescent vaccination protects most of the world’s adolescents from a number of infectious diseases. In India, there is a significant burden of communicable diseases every year that could have been prevented by vaccination.

Why Adolescents need Vaccination?

There are multiple factors which contribute to the vulnerability of adolescent population for communicable diseases. These include:

Recommended Vaccines for Adolescents with Prioritization

Priority Vaccines
Mandatory ( For all adolescents) Td/Tdap, HPV, – Cervical Cancer
Catch Up (If missed during younger age) MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid
High Risk (Special situations or high risk group adolescents)  Influenza (Flu), Meningococcal, JE, Pneumococcal,  Rabies, Yellow Fever, Cholera vaccines
Tdap11 dose every 10 years
Cervical Cancer

2(under 14 years)

3(15 and above)

0 – 6 month (under 14 years) and 0 -2-6 months (15 years and above)
Hepatitis B30 -1- 6 months
Hepatitis A20 – 6 months or single dose of live vaccine
MMR22 dose at 4-8 weeks interval
Varicella22 doses at 4-8 weeks interval
Typhoid (TCV)1Single dose
Influenza11 dose every year

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