
Adult Vaccination

Don’t wait, Vaccinate!

Adult Vaccination

The lack of data, both on coverage of adult population with vaccines as well as on burden of vaccine preventable diseases in this population group is a major challenge. The limited data suggests that the adult vaccination coverage in country is negligible. Inspite of scientific advances, the vaccine coverage beyond the pediatric age group has remained sub optimal leaving a significant gap in the protection provided by the vaccines to the community at large. The vaccination of adult is a natural next step to maximize the full benefits of the proven and lifesaving interventions that are vaccines.

With the COVID 19 pandemic and development of vaccines against it, the concept of prevention got a shot in the arm and a paradigm shift to increase general awareness and relevance about the role of vaccines in the prevention of morbidity and mortality in adult populations too.

It is time now that adult vaccinations and their practice need to be planned and implemented to become an inclusive national heaalth priority.

Why adults need vaccines?

Recommended Vaccines for Adults (under 45 years) with Prioritization

Priority Vaccines
Mandatory ( For all) Influenza, Tdap HPV (Females)
Catch Up (If missed during younger age) MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid
High Risk (Special situations or high risk group) Pneumococcal, Rabies, Meningococcal, JE, Yellow Fever, Cholera, Polio

Unlike routine childhood immunizations, the needs and recommendations for adults would vary and be based upon on the age, prior vaccinations, existing health conditions, medication history, life style, occupation, travel and exposure.

Vaccine Dose/s Schedule
Influenza 1 1 dose every year
Tdap 1 1 dose every 10 years
Cervical Cancer 3 For females (upto 45 years) For males to prevent for Penile and other cancers (upto 26 years)
Hepatitis B 3 0 -1- 6 months
Hepatitis A 2 0 – 6 months or single dose of live vaccine
MMR 2 2 dose at 4-8 weeks interval
Varicella 2 2 doses at 4-8 weeks interval
Typhoid (TCV) 1 Single dose

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