
Student and Immigration related Vaccination

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Student and Immigration related Vaccination

As per CDC USA, first year college students living in dormitories/ hostels and are unvaccinated should be vaccinated for meningococcal ACWY conjugate vaccine. Some schools, colleges and universities have policies requiring meningococcal vaccination as a condition of enrolment, which may vary from state to state.

Most of the colleges have a prescribed form on their website, to ensure complete vaccination as per requirement and has to be duly signed, stamped and uploaded before travel.

Recommended Vaccines for Students and Immigration related requirements

Vaccine Dose/s Schedule
MMR 2 2 dose at 4-8 weeks interval
Varicella 2 2 doses at 4-8 weeks interval
Tdap 1 1 dose every 10 years
MCV 1 For under 21 years of age and likely to stay in hostel
Influenza 1 1 dose every year
Cervical Cancer 2(under 14 years) 3(15 and above) For females For males to prevent for Penile and other cancers
Hepatitis B 3 0 -1- 6 months
Hepatitis A 2 0 – 6 months or single dose of live vaccine
Typhoid (TCV) 1 Single dose

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