
Traveller’s Vaccination

Commit to vaccinate, Commit to victory!

Traveller’s Vaccination

A traveller should not get infected by any VPDs and at the same time he should not be responsible for transmission of any VPDs to his fellow travellers or to people where he is traveling. It is also important to ensure that traveller does not bring back any communicable disease to his country while returning from the countries he has visited.

A traveller must stay updated as per recommended immunization of his/her country of residence, latest government advisories and needs to have adequate protection against endemic diseases in country of travel.

Although the medical profession and the travel industry does provide extensive help and advice, it remains the traveller’s responsibility to seek information, to understand the risks involved and to take the necessary precautions to protect their health while planning international travel. (WHO) https://www.who.int/health-topics/travel-and-health)

Travellers are advised to consult physician at least 4 to 8 weeks before the date travel. All vaccinations should be completed 2weeks before the date of departure. This is extremely important as, if the vaccine recipient does not follow the minimum gaps or specified duration before travel begins, he may be quarantined even during transit or on reaching the destination.

Recommended Vaccines for Travellers

Vaccine Dose/s Schedule
MCV 1 For Hajj, African sub-Saharan belt and students
Yellow Fever 1 For African Belt 10 days before their scheduled arrival
Cholera 2 2 doses 2 weeks interval For Religious gathering – Kumbh mela/ Parikrama
JE 2 4 weeks apart For JE belt
Polio 1 For Polio belt/ Hajj
Influenza 1 1 dose every year
Rabies 2   As pre exposure prophylaxis 0 and 7 day (1 week before) For Hiking, likely to expose
Typhoid (TCV) 1 Single dose
COVID 2 Depending on the brand

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