
Senior Citizen Vaccination

Say yes to vaccination, Say yes to a healthier life!

Senior Citizen Vaccination

Vaccination in the elderly is beneficial in enabling healthy aging, enabling them to offer positive support to their families, avoid functional decline, and thereby reduce associated effects on health and welfare expenditure.

Vaccines are equally important for older adults or say grandparents as they are for babies and adults. As one gets older, immune system weakens, and it can be more difficult to fight off infections. One is more likely to get diseases like flu, pneumonia — and to have complications that can lead to long-term illness, hospitalisation, and even death.

Why senior citizen need vaccinations?

Recommended Vaccines for Senior Citizens (more than 50 years) with Prioritization



( For all )

Influenza – flu,


Herpes Zoster

Catch Up

(If missed during younger age)

MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B

High Risk

(Special situations or high risk group)

Meningococcal,  Rabies, Yellow Fever, Cholera, Polio
Vaccine Dose/s Schedule
Influenza 1 1 dose every year
PCV 13 1 Should receive PCV 13 first, if PPSV 23 received then PCV 13 after 1 year
PPSV 23 1 1 year after PCV 13
Herpes Zoster 2 2 to 4 months apart
Tdap 1 1 dose every 10 years
Hepatitis B 3 0 -1- 6 months
Hepatitis A 2 0 – 6 months or single dose of live vaccine
MMR 2 2 dose at 4-8 weeks interval
Varicella 2 2 doses at 4-8 weeks interval

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